


you know it is funny you should mention that because years before kizuna ai hit the net i was an idiotdere nico streamer whose trademark was big frickin hair bows


i poured all my fourteen year old mistakes into cosplay and honestly, although i regret it, i also could have made worse mistakes like getting into the emo scene or doing meth??


speak of the devil because i was just talking about the importance of networking on twitter for certain industries ie games and music
yall wanna speak at my seminar im callin it "shitposting for fun and profit"


"2+ years of professional writing experience, ideally experience in the social media space"first off how exactly do you differentiate professional social media from amateur social media in this day and age
please elaborate because wendy's is shitposting and i do that probono


have got pretty big anxiety about how unphotogenic i think i am and coupled with my general perfectionism/mania i do this thing where when i take out a cosplay i instantly yell "THIS IS AWFUL" and try and completely redo it the night before and then just frickin die


how the frick in the year of our lord 2018 is there not a decent method of emulating the nico style comment fly by using xml data generated by ncv
there are two playback applications but neither of them have the ability to offset the timing